Sunday, July 29, 2012

The one where I get to use the power tools

I never get to use the power tools. When we use the table saw, I am the one either supporting the board going through the table saw or running around to the front to support the board as it comes out.

I was a technical theatre major, I used a band saw, a jig saw, painted and sized flats with god awful horse glue, but for some reason, Paul never lets me use his tools.  I don't know if it is a guy thing or he's afraid I'll cut a finger off.

So when he said one night - I need you to cut some boards while I am up in the attic, I was floored and a little excited.   Was it that he finally trusted me?  On further thought, it was probably that he didn't want to climb up and down while he was installing the solar tube, since he had to move some beams and install some braces. 

So I get to use the compound miter saw.  Here's a picture of this bad boy.

Of course Paul showed me exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it cut.  So I was a little nervous as I approached the saw.  But it was like being in the scene shop all over again.  I measured twice and cut once  - and with the exception of one board that I had to shave a little off of - I didn't do too badly. 

Here are photos of the hole, the attic, the finished product inside and out. 

AND I didn't injure myself.  Whoo Hoo.

P.S. - sorry it's been a while since I posted, we left for a much needed vacation in Colorado to escape the Texas heat and internet was spotty, plus a crazy laptop.  

Next stop  - walls.

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