Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kitchen Designer Part II - The One We Hired

It's hard to find a kitchen designer you like.  It's even harder to find a kitchen designer to just do your design and not want to implement it with their crews etc.   How did I find mine? The internet of course. 

I may have mentioned before that a large part of my DIY partnership with my husband Paul is research.  Having been a paralegal and now an executive assistant, I guess it just runs in my veins.  So after "Al" (see previous post), I hit the computer (figuratively not literally) in order to find someone who could help us.

And find someone I did.  Vivienne.  If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and are planning to remodel your kitchen, email me and I will give you her name.  What struck me about Vivienne (other than the fact she was prompt to answer my email inquiry) is her philosophy on kitchens - that you can have the most beautiful kitchen in the world, but if it is not functional and efficient, you are going to be unhappy and never set foot in it.     

So we set up an appointment.  Paul and I had all our questions ready, to ask for references, to look at her portfolio, but all that went by the wayside when we met Vivienne. We instantly fell "in like" and didn't ask a thing about clients, references, etc. However, I did check her out on the BBB (sorry V, old habits die hard). We were lucky. 

So we talked and talked, we showed her photos of dream kitchens that we'd like to have and what our crazy concept was.  She didn't sneer at us because we are DIYer's.  Most importantly she listened, educated us on different approaches, appliances, ideas, as well as putting up with our crazy dry sense of humor.  We never could get her to drink with us though.   Maybe when we are done, she'll lift a glass with us.   

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