My dear husband Paul has a very dry sense of humor. So much so that my mother in law worried about my ability to handle it. Back in the day, I was a very shy, demure sort of girl. But three houses and almost 24 years later, I got with the program. Although we still have the "put your left hand on your right shoulder and brush your feelings off" moments. I do admit to being a tad bit sensitive about things.
So, we picked everything out, it has been ordered or on the way and we just need to pull the trigger on the cabinets. Paul writes the following to V, our kd. Note my husband does not use capitals when he writes emails.
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 11:04 PM
To: vivienne; Havens, Cindy
Subject: kitchen design
cindy and i have gone over the recent design and after thoroughly discussing all the changes and what we though we wanted, we have decided that we want to start over.
since you are still reading this you must realize i am totally kidding. we can't wait to see what it looks like once we get it up.
all that we ask, is if we have asked for something that you think will cause us to question "why did we do this instead of" that you will let us know. that is why we have appreciated you advice from the very beginning. from your experience, you know what works and what doesn't and we feel that you have led us down the straight and narrow path from the dark of night into the sunlight. but if you have any suggestions about the changes we have made, DO NOT BE SHY, and go ahead and hurt our feelings. we are big boys and girls and we will get over our "terrific ideas". we are at the point of no return and i have made those mistakes and regretted that i didn't take the right advice when it was given to me. if there is nothing left to suggest, then," let's get'er done".
waiting to hear from you about the next step.
and here's her reply:
From: vivienne
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 7:39 PM
To: Paul Havens; Havens, Cindy
Subject: RE: kitchen design
Hi Paul,
Sorry that it has taken all day for me to respond to your email, but I was in the emergency room recovering from the heart attack that you gave me. :)
Please know that I would never hold back on anything that I thought might benefit you or that which I feel might work better or not at all. That would go against both my professional and personal obligation to you. I believe that this design maximizes the space to its full potential while still making for a functional kitchen. Of course it will be aesthetically beautiful as well. The only thing that I would change when thinking about it again, is the size of the wall cabinets on the Range wall. I have attached the drawings for your review. I think that aesthetically the revised sizes make better sense. The price actually went down by a few dollars as a result. Let me know what you think. The next step would be for me to come out and verify the measurements. We will also go over the final plan again as well as all the details, and have you sign off on it.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
I couldn't have made this up even if I tried. And, I am quite sure she belted back something after reading Paul's email.